Do You Know What Your SEO Results Are?

Why Is Measuring and Tracking SEO Results Important?
First, SEO is a lot of work. So, you need to know if all that work is paying off.
Unfortunately, most companies or agencies don’t track SEO results.
- They create tons of content.
- Build links.
- Optimize title tags.
And when you ask them if they saw an ROI, they shrug their shoulders.
Considering that SEO is a huge investment of time and energy, it’s important to know whether all that effort works.
Secondly, your SEO results let you know if you need to change your approach.
Organic Traffic
Organic traffic is our #1 SEO metric, because the goal of SEO is to get more traffic from search engines.
Yes, you should also track your Google rankings for your main keywords. That said, moving up from #7 to #5 in Google may not make a significant difference in your traffic.
Plus, looking at rankings alone doesn’t tell you much. Website rankings move up and down all the time. And if you track thousands of keywords, it’s hard to make sense of all this movement.
That’s why we zero-in on organic traffic.
To measure organic traffic, login to Google Analytics.
- Google Analytics – Home
- And click on “Audience” → “Overview”.
- Google Analytics – Audience overview
- Hit the “Add Segment” box at the top of the page.
- Google Analytics – Add segment
- And choose “Organic Traffic”.
- Then, set the date range to the last 90 days:
Keyword Rankings
Looking at your site’s Google rankings isn’t nearly as helpful as looking at organic traffic. That said, rankings are still an important part of measuring SEO results.
Your rankings tell you whether your site is trending in the right direction.
Search Engine Visibility
Search Engine Visibility measures how many people see your site in the search results.
In our opinion, this metric isn’t super helpful.
After all, it’s not about how many people see your result. It’s about how many people click and convert.
That said, Search Engine Visibility can give you a high-level overview of your SEO health.
In general, if your Search Engine Visibility is going up, that’s a good sign.
Clicks and Impressions
The Google Search Console gives you a lot of useful information on your site’s overall SEO performance.
And you can use the GSC to measure results from your SEO efforts.
Specifically, you want to look at your site’s overall “clicks”.
“Clicks” are the total amount of Google users that click on your site in the search results. It’s basically the equivalent of organic traffic in Google Analytics.
And “Impressions”
“Impressions” are the total number of users that saw your site rank for a specific keyword.
You can go nuts and look at how a page’s clicks, impressions and average organic CTR have changed over time.
SEO that Gives Results
There is no point in spending a lot of time on your SEO if you do not know if it is successful.
One way of measuring results is if your business shows a large increase in sales but, generally, SEO is a long process, and you will want to be measuring its performance monthly so that you can make the necessary adjustments.
Unlike most so called SEO agencies in Bulgaria, Optimized explain exactly what they are doing, what they expect to achieve and report on current progress.
If you are not happy with your SEO in Bulgaria, then contact the experts.