Is Your Online Reputation Suffering Incorrecly In Bulgaria
What is Online Reputation Management (ORM)?
You can make a search on Google to quickly determine what people think about you or your company.
ORM helps you to control your online reputation in three ways:
- Monitor your reputation across the internet
- Repair your damaged personal or business reputation
- Improve an undamaged reputation to help your business
Learn about our online reputation management services in Bulgaria
Sometimes, someone will publish some bad information online which is not true.
Online reputation management Bulgaria (ORM Bulgaria) is the service we provide to repair your online reputation in Bulgaria. Sometimes we can take the bad news offline, but in most cases, we must force the bad news off the Google first page results by creating good news articles.
Examples of our internet reputation repair services include:
- Removal of negative search results from publishers
- Create new content pushing down negative information.
- Protect brand search results.
- Improve online sentiment with brand reputation marketing.
- Increasing online review star-ratings
- Make positive content rank higher.
How Long Does Online Reputation Repair Take in Bulgaria?
It can take as little as a week if we have a relationship with the content publisher, but as a rule of thumb the minimum will be six months with the average being 10 months to push negative content of the first page of Google results.
The main thing when repairing an on-line reputation is to work together. Any photographs, videos or other content that can be used to repair your online reputation in Bulgaria must be provided. We will work on:
- Your website(s)
- Social Media
- Reviews
- Other high publishing domains
To push the bad news down and improve your online reputation in Bulgaria.
Project strategy and management is in English, content will be developed by Bulgaria and English native speakers here in Sofia. Progress reporting is in English.
Online Reputation Management (ORM) SEO Bulgaria
Sometimes your name is unfairly tarnished and incorrect news is found on the search engine results.
It is often exceedingly difficult to remove these unfair listings, so the only way to stop them appearing on the first page of Google is to push them down to the second page.
SEO is far from the only part of ORM in Bulgaria, but the creation of content is a major part of an ORM Strategy.
Often the objective of ORM is to push bad news from the first page of the Google search results. Depending on the current position of the bad news, we will have to place good information above the bad article(s) to achieve success.
One of the major indicators of how long ORM SEO in Bulgaria will take is the quality of the websites that the bad news appears on. Often the bad news is displayed on government or news sites which have a high domain ranking and are hard to displace. We will have to create SEO content on similarly high domain ranking websites to put the good news above the bad.
Note that we will need your help in creating the articles from you and we will need collateral such as images and videos to build the content.
Content types may include:
- Blog posts
- Social posts
- Outreach to bloggers and journalists
- External articles
- Slideshows
- Press releases
We layout basic content outlines and subjects for your approval and feedback. Often, we will request new ideas and feedback on the ones we have already come up with.
We match each piece of approved content with an appropriate publishing target, set up a content calendar, and revisit existing positive results to determine how and if they can be improved (retargeting). We also outline a coherent social posting and linking plan to build upon the content campaign.